486DX, 16Mb RAM, 18Mb hard disk space, 256-colour 800×600 SVGA, Win95 or NT4.0
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Tested on:
Dell Dimension XPS D333 Pentium II with 128Mb RAM, STB Velocity 128, Win95
DesignCAD LT 2000
As with the previous release, DesignCAD LT 2000 is a cut-down version of DesignCAD Pro 2000, with some 3D restrictions. You can’t add and subtract solids, and the ability to define complex surfaces using spline-curves has gone. Rendering of solids has also been limited to simple surface shading. The big surprise it that almost everything else is carried over from the parent product, including most of the new features. DesignCAD LT is clearly aimed at the budget 2D draughting market, for which it’s highly capable. It also complements DesignCAD Pro well, without challenging Pro’s emphasis on 3D design and modelling.