Buyer's Guides

CAD Software: January 1998

Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 135 Date: January 1998 Buyer’s Guides: CAD Software Computer-Aided Design (CAD) has come a long way since the days when it was the sole preserve of wealthy professionals working on corporate mainframes. You can now buy CAD products to suit almost every conceivable design task, at prices from […]

Buyer's Guides

Digitising Tablets

Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 87 Date: December 1993 ‘PC Plus’ Buyer’s Guide Price Watch: Digitising Tablets Digitising Tablets have been overlooked by the mass computer market for many years, although they’ve always been popular with professional designers. The new generation of Pen-driven portable computers has re-kindled interest in this well-established technology. TIM […]

Buyer's Guides


Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 85 Date: October 1993 Buyer’s Guides: Plotters Not long ago, buying a hard-copy device for Computer Aided Design (CAD) was easy. The only choice most people had to make was paper size – the use of pen plotting as the core technology was seldom in question. However, the […]

Buyer's Guides

CAD Software: June 1993

Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 81 Date: June 1993 ‘PC PLUS’ BUYER’S GUIDE SPECIAL REPORT: CAD SOFTWARE In Industry’s fight for survival, Computer-Aided Design software has become a vital weapon for companies of all shapes and sizes. But what is it, and how do you choose the best system for your needs? TIM […]