Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: Date: Product Information: Title: DesignCAD LT 2000 Price: £79.95 Ex. VAT: £68.04 Supplier: BVG-Airflo Ltd. Phone: 01874-611633 WWW: Fact Panel: Minimum Requirements: 486DX, 16Mb RAM, 18Mb hard disk space, 256-colour 800×600 SVGA, Win95 or NT4.0 Available on: CD-ROM Tested on: Dell Dimension XPS D333 Pentium II with […]
Category: Brief Encounters
Brief Encounters were of necessity a quick snapshot of a product. It was impossible to go into too much detail, so the aim was to give readers a basic understanding of whether or not the product was any good. Thankfully there are good points in just about everything!
DesignCAD Pro 2000
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: Date: Product Information: Title: DesignCAD Pro 2000 Price: £199.95 Ex. VAT: £170.17 Supplier: BVG-Airflo Ltd. Phone: 01874-611633 WWW: Fact Panel: Minimum Requirements: 486DX, 16Mb RAM, 18Mb hard disk space, 256-colour 800×600 SVGA, Win98, Win95 or NT4.0 Available on: CD-ROM Tested on: Dell Dimension XPS D333 Pentium II […]
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: Date: Product Information: Title: Automator for Windows Version 1.3A Author: Direct Technologies Limited Supplier: Direct Technologies Limited Phone: (081) 847-1666 Price at time of publication: £149 Fact Panel: Display Types: Windows Issue Disks: 3.5″ 1.44Mb or 5.25″ 1.2Mb Minimum Hardware: 286/HD/2Mb/Mouse Other Hardware: n/a Brief Encounters: Automator for […]
AutoSketch Release 6
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 148 Date: February 1999 Product Information: Product: AutoSketch Release 6 Price at time of publication: £116 Author: Autodesk Ltd. Phone: 01483 303322 www: Fact Panel: Minimum Requirements: 486/66 or Pentium processor, 16Mb RAM (32Mb recommended), 41Mb free hard-disk space, CD-ROM drive, 256-colour display adapter, Mouse, Windows NT4.0, […]
DesignCAD LT
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 142 Date: August 1998 Product Information: Title: DesignCAD LT £149.95 £149.95 Ex. VAT: £127.62 Supplier: BVG-Airflo Ltd. Phone: 01874-611633 WWW: Fact Panel: Minimum Requirements: 486DX, 16Mb RAM, 20Mb hard disk space, 256-colour 800×600 SVGA, Win95 or NT4.0 Available on: CD-ROM Tested on: Dell Dimension XPS D333 Pentium […]
DesignCAD 97
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 142 Date: August 1998 Title: DesignCAD 97 Price: £149.95 Ex. VAT: £127.62 Supplier: BVG-Airflo Ltd. Phone: 01874-611633 WWW: Fact Panel: Minimum Requirements: 486DX, 16Mb RAM, 10Mb hard disk space, 256-colour 800×600 SVGA, Win95 or NT4.0 Available on: CD-ROM Tested on: Dell Dimension XPS D333 Pentium II with […]
TurboCAD Solid Modeler 2
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 140 Date: June 1998 Product Information: Title: TurboCAD Solid Modeler 2 Price: £1,499 Ex. VAT: £1,275.75 Supplier: IMSI (UK) Limited IMSI (UK) Limited 0181 581 2000 WWW:; Fact Panel: Minimum Requirements: Pentium; 32 Mb RAM; 800×600/256-colour SVGA display; 45 Mb hard disk space; Double-speed CD-ROM; Windows 95 […]
TurboCAD Designer 2D/3D
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 123 Date: January 1997 Product Information: Title: TurboCAD Designer 2D/3D Price (ex. VAT): £35 Supplier: IMSI (UK) Limited Phone: 0181 581 2000 WWW: Fact Panel: Minimum Requirements: 486DX CPU; 8Mb RAM; CD-ROM Drive; Windows 3.1, Windows 95 or Windows NT; 30Mb disk-space Available on: 3.5″ 1.44Mb disks […]
Stardraw 2D
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 118 Date: August 1996 Product Information: Title: Stardraw 2D Price: £295 Supplier: Starlite Systems Technology Ltd Phone: 0171 511 4400 Fact Panel: Minimum Requirements: 486 CPU; Windows 3.1+Win32s (supplied), Windows 95 or Windows NT; 4Mb RAM (16Mb for Windows NT); 2Mb disk-space Available on: 3.5″ 1.44Mb disks Options: […]
Draft Choice 2.0 for Windows
Publication Details: Publication: “PC Plus”, UK Issue: 114 Date: April 1996 Product Information: Title: Draft Choice 2.0 for Windows Author: Atlantic Coast PLC Phone: (01297) 552222 Price at time of publication: £39.95 (shareware) Fact Panel: Issue Disks: 3.5″ 720k disk Minimum Hardware: Intel 80386 CPU Minimum Software: Windows 3.1 Other Hardware: Plotter Brief Encounters: Draft […]